- June 17, 2024
- Posted by: Kaushal Kumar
- Category: VICIdial, VICIdial for Managers, VICIdial Troubleshooting

This tutorial explains steps to Install and Configure Synway GSM Gateway SMG4008 with VICIdial, Goautodial & Asterisk.
About Synway GSM Gateway :
Synway SMG4000 series GSM/CDMA VoIP Gateway is a multi-functional product used to efficiently realize the smooth transition between mobile and VoIP network With push-pull SIM card sockets for easily installing the SIM cards, it adopts advanced built-in VoIP processors and GSM/CDMA modules, and enables ISPs and VoIP solution providers to deliver highly available and versatile wireless to-IP systems, effortlessly and cost-efficiently.
Step1 : Initial Configurations of Synway GSM Gateway
Power on the GSM Gateway and connect the gateway to the Network.
By default the Synway Gateway Assigned with IP :
make sure this default IP should not have conflict with your existing network.
- Now open a browser and Type
- The default username and password is admin/admin
- Once you are Logged in, Click the Quick Config option from the Left pane, in the quick config we will be assigning a new IP and SIP Server IP details.
In the quick-config network settings page change the default ip to a static from your network. For this guide i am assigning
- Click Next
- Now you will be move to Quick Config-SIP Settings
- In the Registrar IP Address we need to enter your Asterisk /vicidial/goautodial server IP address
- For ex. my asterisk server ip is
- Click Next
- Just Click Next in PORT setting and after that click finish.
Step 2 : Configuring the PORTS , SIP settings and outbound ROUTING
- Now access your GSM via newly assigned IP :
- username /password : admin/admin
- As for this document we are grouping all the sims to single group and dialling will be in roundrobin between sim cards.
- IN admin panel Click Port — Port Group
- Prot Group will be empty – Click ADD NEW
- In the Port Group-Add page fill the below details
- Index the group no
- SIP account – this is the account to be created in your asterisk server with a pasword ,say synway123
- Make sure all the active SIM ports are selected.
- Save
- Now you can the Register status of this group to your asterisk server(it will take some minutes)
Configuring Outbound Rouing
- Click the Route option from the left pane of admin pane
- Click IP–TEL
- ADD New
- Fill the below details and press save
Step 3 : Configuring the SIP server ie asterisk or vicidial
- Create a sip peer in the asterisk server
- Login to the command line of the asterisk server using ssh putty tool
Open the sip.conf file and add the below details at the last line (vi /etc/asterisk/sip.conf)
Save the file and exit.
- Go to asterisk cli (asterisk -vvvvvr)
- type sip reload
- Now check whether the gsm gateway is registered by typing sip show peers , it will show ok
Now we need to create a dialplan to dial via GSM gateway. Below is the dialplan for asterisk and vicidial /goautodial
Plain Asterisk PBX
go to vi /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf
under default context use the below dialplan
exten => _9X.,1,Dial(SIP/gsm222/${EXTEN:1})
exten => _9X.,2,Hangup
For Vicidial / Goautodial
you can either write the dialplan in gui or in command line, i prefer command line
vi /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf
under the default context type
exten => _9X.,1,AGI(agi://
exten => _9X.,2,Dial(SIP/gsm222/${EXTEN:2},,tTo)
exten => _9X.,3,Hangup